In the News: Instagram’s New Teen Accounts
October 3, 2024
Instagram introduced its NEW Teen Accounts this past month, which will automatically place teens under 16 in built-in protections to ensure safer experiences with the platform. New protections include limitations on who can contact you, the content presented, as well as new features like time limit reminders and sleep mode. Here’s what our team has to say about the new accounts…
What you need to know:
Instagram introduced Teen Accounts, adding new, built-in protections for teens under 16 (and privacy defaults for all new users under 18).
Parent permission will be required to change any settings for youth under 16.
Meta is also planning new tech features to try to verify ages.
Youth can still search for sensitive content, it’s just not served to them.
Our gut reactions:
Long overdue and a good idea to have different versions of the app for younger users.
We were expecting hiding ‘like’ counts and restricting comments but didn’t see those features included.
Surprised how much parents will be able to see (content and who youth interact with). That level of parental control beyond age 15 might prompt youth to try to work around it.
Although it prevents unintended exposure to content, if people seek it out, it’s still there.
We really like sleep mode!
We think it’s headed in the…
Right direction
Wrong direction
Too soon to tell
What to look out for:
Will teens put in their real age to get these protections?
Will most parents really be able to figure out and utilize these tools?
Will teens utilize these tools with the intention they are designed for?
We want to hear from you!
What do you think of the new Instagram Teen Accounts?