#GoodforMEdia in the news
See where we’ve been featured
Check out the Lucile Packard Foundation’s Fall 2024 Magazine publication, featuring our program’s events, projects, and efforts to empower young people’s balanced engagement with tech and social media. Read more here.
Vicki Harrison, #GFM co-founder and program director, shares about her published work and the need for youth to be included in the dialogue about how to support their wellbeing. Read more here.
In this op-ed, Chloe Kim responds to Surgeon General Murthy’s call for social media warning labels by affirming that cell phones and social platforms do not have nearly the same harmful effects as a cigarette. Here, Chloe suggests alternative solutions to support young people online.
GoodforMEdia youth advisor Khoa-Nathan was recently interviewed by IDEO to share about the important role young people hold as consumers of platform design. Read more here.
Vicki Harrison, our Program Director, shares about the different impacts young people are facing online, and suggests including youth in the problem-solving phase from the start, not after.
Edward, our #GoodforMEdia youth advisor, was featured in an article by the NYTimes Upfront Magaizine
#GoodforMEdia youth leaders, Emily & Sonia, wrote an op-ed sharing their perspectives on the California Age Appropriate Design Code
June 2, 2022: #GoodforMEdia youth advisor Tiffany Chen was featured in the San Francisco Chronicle
March 29, 2022: The #GoodforMEdia team provided testimony on how to improve online experiences for young people
January 1, 2022: We were featured in the HX Report by All Tech Is Human
October 5, 2021: We were featured in The Washington Post
October 5, 2021: We were featured in The New York Times