San Francisco Chronicle: Big Tech will always put profit first. Newsom can change that

September 7, 2022

By Emily Chan & Sonia Cherian

#GoodforMEdia youth leaders, Emily & Sonia, wrote an op-ed sharing their perspectives on the California Age Appropriate Design Code.

As two teenagers from Silicon Valley, we grew up watching SpaceX rockets launch from our backyards and walking by autonomous car prototypes on our way to school. We often heard our parents, teachers and elected officials laud technology and its ability to connect us as the most powerful tool humanity has to better the world. It wasn’t just them, of course. As a central tenet of Silicon Valley, the belief in technology as the ultimate connector and force to build a “perfect society” has always permeated our lives.

However, this rosy perspective ignores a harsh reality: Tech, and especially social media, has a dark side that harms children. It’s a reality that lawmakers have yet to effectively address.

Read the full article on The San Francisco Chronicle website >


The New York Times Upfront Magazine: The Fight to Protect


Khoa-Nathan’s suggestions for policymakers & allies: Start centering youth