In the News: Restrictive School Cell Phone Policies
September 12, 2024
Many schools are implementing more restrictive cell phone policies for the new school year in response to calls from leaders concerned about distractions and online harms. Here’s what our GoodforMEdia leaders have to say…
What you need to know:
Several schools are rolling out new school cell phone policies in response to new legislation and policies being rolled out in many states.
It can vary from teacher to teacher, but changes include phone caddies in classrooms, putting them in pouches during the school day, or having consequences for taking phones out in class.
Goals of the move include to improve learning, minimize cyberbullying & promote interpersonal connection.
Our gut reactions:
Phones are a big distraction during class. Some people will be on their phone for the whole period.
Even if phones aren’t banned, some of us realize by the time we are upperclassmen how much our grades will suffer if we are distracted by them in class.
In class limits make sense, but some of us think having access to phones while in the library or at lunch would be helpful.
We think it’s headed in the…
Right direction
Wrong direction
Too soon to tell
What to look out for:
Whether these new restrictions will have a positive impact on youth wellbeing and academic performance.
Early research has shown that having devices nearby and accessible can be distracting and impact performance.
Will schools allow young people to have a say in crafting policies that will work best for them?
We want to hear from you!
Let us know what you think of these new restrictive cell phone policies. Comment on our Instagram post.
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