Share your perspective
We’re looking for teens & young adults ages 13-24 years old to share their experiences, insights, and strategies for navigating social media in a healthy way.
Why share?
Because you’re the expert on how social media impacts your mental health. We need youth voices so that our generation and future ones can learn and practice healthier ways of engaging with social media.
Have more questions? Review our participation FAQs for complete instructions & frequently asked questions.
What topics can I focus on?
We’re interested in hearing your thoughts on the below questions:
What role does social media plays in your mental health?
What advice would you give to your younger self or a younger sibling getting their first phone?
What do you wish you’d known or done differently before engaging with social media?
What strategies do you use to protect your mental health when engaging with social media?
If you could advise lawmakers, parents, and/or social media platforms, what changes would you like to see?
What types of media can I submit?
We welcome all types of media submissions that enable you to share your perspective, including (but not limited to) the following:
Videos (60 seconds or less & landscape view please!)
Poems and quotes
Blog posts in various formats, including: op-eds, personal stories, reflections, or other forms of written content (1500 words max)
Ready to submit?
Follow these steps:
#1. Review our Participation FAQs
Our Participation FAQs provide transparency around how your submission will be reviewed, used, and shared, so you can make an informed decision about submitting your content.
#2: Download & sign the Participation Agreement
*If you are younger than 18 years old, your Participation Agreement must be signed by your parent or legal guardian.
#3: Save your submission - check the file name & file size
Please include your first name in your file name & limit file size to 300MB (approximately a one-minute video).
#4: Complete this submission form & upload 2 items: your media + your signed Participation Agreement
After you submit the form, you will be prompted to upload your submission in addition to your completed Participation Agreement. If you’d like to submit anonymously, please let us know in the description.
Note: Form submissions are not monitored by a clinician. If you or someone you know needs immediate help, please call or text the 988 Lifeline, or reach out to one of these support resources.
Have more questions? Review our Participation FAQs or reach out to our team at goodformedia@stanford.edu.