In the News: Australia Bans Social Media for Anyone Under 16

December 10, 2024

Breaking news: Australia has approved a social media ban for youth under 16, set to take effect in 12 months. This decision raises many questions about its implementation and the potential impact on youth privacy and social connections. Hear what our #GoodforMEdia youth leaders think about this law and whether it’s something they’d like to see adopted in the United States.

What you need to know:

  • Australia passed a law that will ban anyone under 16 from using social media apps.

  • Popular platforms like Instagram, Snapchat, and TikTok will need to verify and block youth under 16, or face fines.

  • Gaming and messaging apps may be excluded.

Our gut reactions:

  • We can understand both sides.

  • Why are some apps like YouTube and gaming excluded?

  • People will get around it. People will lie about their age like they already do.

  • Why age 16? What is the evidence for this recommendation?

  • Social media is so embedded in our daily lives. 16 seems pretty close to independence so does it make sense to wait to throw a 16 year old into an adult environment without preparation at an age when they are less prone to listen to their parents’ advice?

We think it’s headed in the…

  • Right direction

  • Wrong direction

  • Too soon to tell

What to look out for:

  • How will they implement it?

  • Will people turn to the dark web instead?

  • How will they transition 16 year olds to social media when that’s an age when parents have less control over them?



Lucile Packard Foundation, The ‘ME’ in Social MEdia


#GoodforMEdia’s Maker Day: The Future of Social Media: By Youth, for Youth