#GoodforMEdia Learning Hub
Learn the ins & outs of navigating social media today
Check out our stories, insights & strategies to empower healthy relationships with social media.
IDEO, Co-designing With Youth Is Crucial for Digital Thriving
GoodforMEdia youth advisor Khoa-Nathan was recently interviewed by IDEO to share about the important role young people hold as consumers of platform design. Read more here.
The Warning Signs of Social Media Sex Traffickers and How to Keep Yourself Safe.
Isabella shares some tips & strategies for young people to stay safe from predators online, including links to center your wellbeing on different platforms. Read more here.
What’s Behind the Filter?
In this piece, Ishani shares about the reality of scrolling through your timeline and feeling the natural urge to compare ourselves to the folks we see on our feeds, in the media, etc. Read more here.
Testimonials: What are youth saying?
Leading up to the White House Kids Online Safety Listening Session, we asked youth in the community to share their ideas for change. Here is what they said.
What Can I Do Instead of “Doom-Scrolling”?
In this piece, Katy shares tips and strategies like taking a walk to overcome the urge to endlessly scroll online. Through some humorous bits, she provides an opportunity to reflect on our scrolling habits and make a conscious shift to center our mental wellbeing. Read more here!
White House Kids Online Safety Task Force Listening Session
March 13, 2024: GoodforMEdia Youth leaders were featured panelists at the White House Kids Online Safety Task Force Listening Session in collaboration with and hosted by the Stanford Internet Observatory and Social Media Lab with the Stanford Center for Youth Mental Health and Wellbeing.
#GoodforMEdia’s Guide for Parents: Fostering Healthy Social Media Engagement In Youth
This guide was created for parents supporting their teens with social media use. Our youth leaders provide tips and strategies for healthier relationships between parents, teens, and their tech.
Stanford News: Emerging Issues That Could Trouble Teens
Vicki Harrison, our Program Director, shares about the different impacts young people are facing online, and suggests including youth in the problem-solving phase from the start, not after.
Having Fun Alone on Valentines Day
Struggling with FOMO, especially on days centering relationships, can be overwhelming, but it doesn’t have to be! In this post, Zenia shares some tips and strategies to overcome the fear of missing out this Valentine’s day, or really any day!
Edward: Strategies for mindfulness
Hear from Edward about his experiences using social media and some strategies he uses to be mindful about the time he spends scrolling.
The Algorithm is Algorithming
What does the algorithm have to do with us? In “The Algorithm is Algorithming”, Audrey describes how social media apps trigger dopamine while we scroll away.
Tales from My Digital Detox
How do you know when you need to embark on a digital detox? Lukas shares their experience navigating the fear of missing out when cutting back on their screen time. Read more here!
8 Tips to Regain Control Over Social Media
Oftentimes, when facing issues on social media, young people are advised to stay away from socials altogether. In this piece, Isabella shares that there multiple ways to take back control over the way we utilize these platforms. Read more here
Why Banning Screen Time is Not Enough
Chloe, a GoodforMEdia member, shares about their experiences navigating screentime use and why policies aiming to ban screentime are simply not enough to solve this issue.
#GoodforMEdia's News Guide
This guide was created to support other teens seeking ways to navigate the amount of news we consume and the emotions that come with it. We aim to show different strategies to interact with media through a critical lens while also centering our mental health.
In the News: Lapse App
The GoodforMEdia team shares about Lapse, a new invite-only photo-sharing app. Read more here
Social Media Mental Checklist
Inspired by her own experiences with endless scrolling, Sonia shares TEPA, an acronym detailing 4 ways to reflect on your intentions prior to opening up your favorite app. This tool was created to support youth who want to practice mindful engagement with technology and social media. Read her piece to learn how to put it into practice!
In the News: Europe’s Digital Services Act
The GoodforMEdia team highlights some key points about the European Union’s new digital regulations. Read more here.
What’s Missing from the Surgeon General’s Social Media Advisory
Read more about what Vicki Harrison, our Program Director, says is missing from the U.S. Surgeon General social media advisory
Social Media & Youth Mental Health: An event to confront the moral panic
June 23, 2023: The d.school, GoodforMEdia and the Stanford Center for Youth Mental Health and Wellbeing brought together youth activists, social media companies, families and policy experts to explore this timely issue affecting the mental health of young people all over the country.